Dare Learning

What is Dare Learning?
Hi, I'm Alisdair Ross FCIPD, the solopreneur behind Dare Learning. Welcome and thank-you for visiting.
Dare Learning is a solopreneur business based in Margate, Kent.
People Skills are the easiest skills to learn, the most simple to apply and can make the biggest difference to to your organisations results. They’re the most transferable skills as your career makes its’ inevitable twists and turns and are relevant in any role you may find yourself in. They are the ultimate skills that make you the most effective you can be at work.
I created Dare Learning to give everyone access to the kind of people skills offerings usually only available to larger organisations.
Every day new articles come out discussing the people skills gaps and as a specialist in the field of people development this pains me greatly.
I believe this people skills gap is largely due to lack of access to professional and contemporary people skills development offerings outside of the larger organisations.
People are hugely passionate about their professions and would love to be able to build on their people skills.
My passion is bringing these People Skills offerings to everyone to benefit from!
Alisdair Ross FCIPD
Download my latest brochure here...
I have spent 2 decades consulting, developing, delivering and measuring people skills offerings in large national retailers and global business to business organisations.
10 years developing offerings in the retail sector with Carphone Warehouse, Dixons, Currys and PC World
10 years developing people skills offerings in the Business to Business sector with Konica Minolta
I am a strong believer in developing people skills and along the way I have gathered several accreditations and professional qualifications which allow me to bring the best people skills offerings to you.
Chartered Fellow at CIPD​ (FCIPD)
Certified business coach (TAP; NLP)
Certified business trainer (TAP; NLP)
Mental Health First Aid Instructor Member (Mental Health First Aid England)
Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (MSCEIT Emotional Intelligence Test)
Master Practitioner in Business NLP (INLPTA)
Practitioner in Myers-Briggs Personality Type Profiling (MBTI Step I and Step II)
Practitioner in Everything DiSC Behaviour Profiling
Practitioner in DISC Flow Workplace Behavioural Reporting
Practitioner in the TKI Conflict Mode Instrument
Practitioner in the Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
Certified in Supporting Work Based Learning - University of Derby Business
Batchelor of Science - BSc in Social Science from Canterbury Christ Church University
My Myers-Briggs profile is INFP -
'The Thoughtful Idealist'

My iS style is based on being:
(just the right ingredients for
a coach and trainer)

Why Start Dare Learning?
I believe in bringing cutting edge, contemporary and effective learning solutions to everyone and I am passionate about giving everyone access to the same development offerings used every day by big businesses .
Traditionally only larger organisations have been able to access these contemporary offerings and there are many reasons for this - from marketing, budgets and even just awareness.
The UK has a huge skills gap when it comes to behaviour. All of the areas I offer development in relate to skills that can be learned. There are no innately natural leaders, sales people or influencers. These are learned skills that can be developed with the right support. The purpose of Dare Learning is to provide all leaders, all sales people and all influencers with the tools which develop those skills. My mission is to work with you to develop and enhance your skills, to help you to increase your effectiveness and to drive your organisation forward a a result.
What it means to be daring...
To be daring is to be bold, adventurous and risk taking...
Daring people are the discoverers and the brave
They face their fears, take chances
and grasp opportunities
Being daring is exciting, scary
and exhilarating
It stretches us, it grows us,
it moves us from our comfort zones
Admitting our flaws, addressing our weaknesses and
seeking new ways of doing things are daring
Be bold - be daring!
Dare to learn and try new things, to take a chance
Dare to take a risk. Dare to make a mistake
Dare to learn
Dare to grow
Dare to develop

So what can you expect?
You can expect me to live my values and be true to my purpose. Whether I am running a workshop or coaching one on one my sessions are always fun, engaging and have the learning outcome at the core throughout. I will dare you to progress, dare you to evolve, dare you to develop, adopt and apply new strategies.
I called my business Dare Learning because it's all about you...all development needs have intrinsic drives - it needs to come from within my clients.