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Dare Learning for Students...

Understanding yourself better is such a critical aspect of being successful at ​university. It can also give you an advantage when you begin your first steps into the world of work


Dare Learning can help you with to be more effective at university by supporting you in the below areas. 

College Students

How are you motivated? 

By understanding your personal motivations you know how to play to your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses


What energises you and what de-energises you? 

Having knowledge of where you get your energy you can change your studying conditions to ensure you have the right energy at the right time and can minimise the behaviours which drain your energy at critical study times. 


How do you prefer to take in information?

By knowing how you prefer to take in information you can make sense of lectures, seminars, study groups and self-learning sessions in ways which work best for you


How do you prefer to make decisions?

Do you prefer to lead with the heart or the head? If you could know which one you naturally prefer to use when making critical decisions you can flex to using one or the other with volition and ensure that critical decisions are made in the best of conditions


How naturally does planning and organising come to you?

Some of us are more naturally inclined to being planned and organised than others. Gaining insight as to how naturally inclined you are being structured you can build strategies to build those skills. 


How do you prefer to communicate and be communicated with? 

Communicating with lecturers, fellow students, prospective employers and others is massively important for students. By having more developed people and communications skills you can be far more effective at moving others. 


How can you understand and influence people?

The ability to influence comes from our abilities to listen, empathise and develop trust. Dare Learning can help your develop in these fields and begin to develop the skills of influence 


How can you manage your emotions more effectively?

By understanding your levels of emotional intelligence you can put in place strategies to manage your emotions more effectively. This can build your resilience and support your study efforts. 


By being more self-aware as your drivers, motivators, emotional intelligence and personality you can begin your journey of skills development and give yourself an advantage in your studies. 

Student Reflecting

Offerings for Students


By taking the MBTI you will understand your personality preferences in 4 dichotomies. 


1. Are you an 'Introvert' or an 'Extrovert'?

Where you do you get your energy? What conditions energise you can which ones de-energise you? 


2. Are you 'Sensing' or 'Intuitive'? 

You will learn how you prefer to take in information and how you process it - big picture and contextual or specific based on your senses


3. Do you prefer to make decisions through 'Thinking' or 'Feeling'?

By knowing whether you make decisions with your  heart or your head you will 


4. Are you lead by 'Judging' or 'Perceiving'?

This final dichotomy will steer you towards your natural inclination to be planned and organised Vs a propensity to be spontaneous and free spirited. 


The DiSC assessment will tell you what your needs and priorities are. You will deepen your understanding of what your personal drivers are and you can strategise to play to your strengths in your studies. There are times when you will want to flex to each of the 4 types to benefit your studies. 


Are you a 'Dominant' type?

If you are 'Dominant' preference then you like be direct, forceful, strong-willed, firm and results-orientated.  


Are you an 'Influencing' type?

People with an 'Influencing' preference are outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic, high spirited and lively. 


Are you a 'Steadiness' type?

Steadiness preference people are even-tempered, accommodating, patient, humble and tactful. 


Are you a 'Conscientious' type?

If so then you are analytical, reserved, precise, private and systematic. 


Knowing your starting point is the first step in increasing your range of behavioural styles to use in different situations and being more effective in your studies. 

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This emotional intelligence â€‹test will tell you what your abilities are in some critical areas for studies.


Managing Emotions

You will learn your natural level of managing your own emotions and I will help you with developing strategies to develop skills in managing your emotions better. How good are you at affecting the emotional management of others?


Using Emotions

How well do you facilitate emotions for the situation you are? How good are you at generating the right emotion for the task at hand? You will learn how you can generate emotions for mood/task matches. 


Understanding Emotions

How well do you understand the range of emotions and how effective is your emotional vocabulary when expressing your emotions to others?


Perceiving Emotions 

How good are you at reading emotions in others and in places and things? By reading people better you can move to influence people differently. 

1-hour Personal Session...Student Special


All of the below offerings include a profile report, a feedback session and a coaching session with Alisdair Ross FCIPD. Alisdair is a highly  qualified business coach with 20 years experience in supporting the development of business leaders. These sessions are performed remotely (phone, Skype, FaceTime, etc). The feedback and coaching session takes 1 hour. 


You can choose one from any offering from  Myers-Briggs, Everything DiSC or MSCEIT 


The personal profiling, feedback and coaching offerings are made up of three elements:


  1. You will receive a personal profile report on the tool you have taken

  2. Alisdair will perform a feedback session with you to help you to interpret your results

  3. Alisdair will coach you to develop a personal action plan based on your unique results




All 1-hour personal profiling, feedback and coaching sessions are only £275

Student Thinking

Dare to understand yourself and others

better today with DARE Learning

Increase your effectiveness at university through having a better and more developed understanding of yourself...and by applying strategies to improve your skills in key areas





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