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Essential Workplace Skills

Essential Workplace Skills

Essential Workplace Skills

The most critical people skills people need to master to be truly effective in any role in an organisation. These are the soft skills, the transferable skills, the skills which are applicable at any role and any level in an organisation. By developing these skills, we are developing the whole organisation. 

What are the drivers and motivators of each team member. How do their skills complement one another? How to build an effective and high performance team

Realising and dealing with our own stress and the stress of others at work. 

This course will introduce you to tools which will identify the root cause of problems so you can find solutions to the problem itself rather than using sticky plasters for the symptoms. 

Release the power of your creative brain in order to find new solutions for old problems. Learn tools and techniques to think creatively at work and deal more effectively with ambiguous and changing tasks and objectives. 

Think CREATIVE. Solve PROBLEMS. Develop your STRATEGIES. Be ORGANISED. DARE to DEVELOP your workplace skills today with DARE Learning. 

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