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Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills

Choose from these fantastic leadership development options...

Blanchard Leadership

Dare Learning is an official Channel Partner of Blanchard Companies Leadership Development 

Dare Learning


Dare Learning Leadership Skills



Leadership Skills with Myers-Briggs personality type profiling

DISC Flow Leadership

Leadership Skills with Everything DiSC work of leaders profiling

Leadership is the most critical success factor in any organisation. 

Whether you lead people, lead customers or simply lead yourself it is imperative that you lead effectively. 

Leadership is a huge topic and there are many books, articles and theories that sometimes compliment and sometimes contradict one another. 

Dare Learning will work with you to understand your unique leadership requirements and develop a leadership solution, tailored just for you. 

Dare to develop your leadership skills...they are the most important skills in any organisation of any size.

Leadership Conversation

Blanchard Leadership


A good manager, or a bad one, affects every aspect of your organisation—employee engagement, productivity, turnover, and profitability. Having great managers doesn’t usually happen on its own. Managers don’t inherently know how to support, develop, motivate, and engage their people.

The Ken Blanchard Companies® believe that everyone deserves to have a great manager. As a leadership training and development company for more than 40 years, they have been training millions of the world’s best managers…managers who know how to bring out the best in their people, create great places to work, and deliver real bottom-line results for their organisations.

Dare Learning is proud to be an official Channel Partner of Blanchard Companies, allowing us to offer the full range of their leadership development offerings to our clients.

Enabling leaders to build deeper relationships with their people, work, and company making every day inspiring, motivating, and meaningful for all.

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Blanchard Training Courses -

Leading Others

Provide the right leadership skills to inspire leaders who instill  trust,transparency, and teamwork in your organisation.


The world’s most-taught leadership framework, SLII® teaches managers how to unleash the potential of their direct reports by leading situationally: giving the right support and  right direction at the right time. Thisenables employees to develop faster, succeed more,  and reach their full potential. It also gives managers a common leadershiplanguage.

Blanchard Management Essentials®

Help your new managers develop the skills they need to step confidently into their new roles with Blanchard Management Essentials. Based on one of Ken Blanchard’s  best-selling business books, The New One Minute Manager®, the course covers the  foundational skills that generate positive communications, improve morale, andincrease  productivity.

Coaching Essentials®

The ability to coach is one of the things that separates great leaders from the rest. Coaching Essentials teaches managers the four key skills needed for effective coaching  and provides opportunities for practice.When managers can coach effectively, their direct  reports are more productive, loyal, and engaged.


Leading People Through Change®

Change initiatives are notoriously challenging. Leading People Through Change takes a unique and proven approach: It teaches a high-involvement, collaborative solution that  invites all parties into the change process. This inclusive method draws on research and  our 30+ years of practical experience in the field.

Leading Virtually™

Leading Virtually is a highly engaging solution that focuses on three key practices proven  to boost manager effectiveness in a virtual environment: Be Present and Mindful, Foster  Community, and Accelerate Performance and Development.


Team Leadership

Teams frequently fail to accomplish goals because of a lack of shared purpose, unclear goals and roles, and ineffective leadership. Team Leadership teaches team leaders how  all teams develop and how to provideclarity, manage conflict, and build trust to break  through barriers and sustain high-performance teams.

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Blanchard Training Courses - 

Leading Self

Developing self leaders who take responsibility for their success  and getting results in today’s virtual environment.


Self Leadership

Empower your employees to make greater contributions to your organization. The programme teaches learners how to challenge their assumed constraints, figure out what they need to  succeed, and proactively ask for it. Itfinishes with them mapping their sources of power  at work. These skillsets and mindsets are the foundation for a culture ofinnovation.


Adapting to Change

The unrelenting pace and complexity of change today requires agility and replacing change-resistant reactions with a new mindset. Adapting to Change helps people  understand why they often resist changeand how to mindfully marshal their courage,  curiosity, and resilience to adapt to changes they face.


Building Trust

Trust in the workplace is a prerequisite for success, so when it’s missing, there’s little collaboration and lots of suspicion. Building Trust teaches how to cultivate trust and repair  it when it’s been compromised. Using the Elements of Trust Model, learners discover how  to inspire engagement and commitment.


Communication Essentials

The art of listening and dialoguing are the building blocks for inclusive leadership and conversations. Communication Essentials Online teaches your employees the keys to  really listening to others, asking thoughtful and open questions, staying positive, and  sharing their truth in a helpful manner.

Conversational Capacity®

Organizations move at the speed at which people communicate effectively and solve  problems collaboratively. That can get tricky when the pressure is on or when people  have different opinions. We teach people how to balance candor and curiosity toget the  greatest benefit out of the most challenging conversations.


Legendary Service®

Keep your clients coming back by building a culture that delivers stellar customer service. Legendary Service teaches your people how to create a personal service vision, take  initiative, resolve problems, and ask forwhat they need to serve their customers better.


Teaming and Collaboration

With employees spending the majority of their time working in teams, understanding how to make them successful is essential for the future of your business. This teaches  learners how to diagnose their team’s stage of development and act in a way that  contributes to its performance.

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Dare Learning Leadership Skills

All Dare Learning leadership offerings are tailored for in-house courses and for one on ones. Please contact me and we can explore your specific needs and tailor a solution just for you. I will work with you by consulting as to what your current leadership situation is; identifying what leadership you want in your organisation, designing and delivering leadership solutions and measuring the results of new leadership implementations. 

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Leadership Skills with Myers-Briggs

Many people find MBTI useful as a way of understanding themselves and their commonalities and differences with other people. In this sense, it can be a good framework for developing an intuition about one's own uniqueness and how one cannot use oneself as a model to explain all other human beings. Perhaps this is why it has become so popular in the workplace

Myers-Briggs can help with:

  • Coaching people 

  • Communication and influencing with others

  • Managing Conflict

  • Decision-making

  • Leadership development

  • Change management

  • Team development

  • Career development

  • Career orientation

Und​erstand yourself and other better using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and learn how to lead, communicate with and influence people more effectively. 

You will complete the online MBTI questionnaire and receive your Myers-Briggs personal impact report which gives you feedback on:​​

  • Your work style​

  • Your communication style

  • Your team style

  • Your decision making style

  • Your leadership style

  • Your conflict style

  • How stress impacts you

  • Your approach to change ​

Understanding your natural preferences on the above skills can help you with developing new strategies to be more effective in working with different people of all types. 

Discover your leadership type...

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DISC Flow Leadership

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When people are understood and engaged, the organisations they work for thrive.

It benefits individuals to understand how they work best, managers to understand the impact they have on each person in the team, and colleagues to understand how to communicate more effectively and build better and stronger relationships.

This is where DISC steps in! 

DISC is a powerful model of describing human behaviour to help unlock the answers to “why people behave the way they do” and has been helping individuals, teams and organisations to connect better for over 30 years. 

Introducing you to DISC Flow®

DISC Flow® goes beyond where the traditional DISC model ends and by introducing the power of Emotional Intelligence, answers the question “how do I take this knowledge and apply it in the real world”?


Emotional intelligence describes a way of recognising, understanding, and controlling how we think, feel and act so that these emotions work with us, and not against us..

It defines how and what we learn; it shapes our understanding of ourselves and determines the majority of our daily actions and interactions with others.


By combining behaviour and emotional intelligence we have created a tool that is designed to help people have greater awareness of themselves and others, and crucially, make deliberate choices when interacting to improve communication and create stronger, more engaged and more productive relationships.

And the great thing about applying the DISC Flow® model is that while some people have high levels of emotional intelligence as a natural talent, for those that don’t, these skills can be learned and continually improved.

DISC Flow® Leader

DISC Flow® Leader is a highly accurate report that identifies a leader’s preferred behavioural style and communication preferences. The report focuses on your leadership approach and will make you more aware of your strong points, as well as highlighting behaviours that you may need to introduce or adapt to unlock the potential of your people.


  • Leadership Approach

  • Communication Style

  • Strengths & Limitations

  • Value to the Organisation

  • Motivators & Stressors

  • Areas for Development

  • Unlocking the Potential of your People

Dare to develop your leadership skills today with Dare Learning

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