The A-Z of Being Daring
Being daring is an attribute that resides within all of us...
We are all daring in different ways...
Here is my A-Z guide to being daring. Being daring is an essential part of learning...of developing. We must dare to listen to feedback, to be self-aware and open to new ideas and concepts.
We must dare to accept our limitations and our growth areas.
We must be daring to seek new ways of working, new ways of relating with others.
We must dare to try new things, we must be daring enough to fail and daring to learn from that failure. Taking risks is daring. Growing and developing is daring.
How are you daring?
If you think of a daring attribute please feel free to Contact Us and I'll add your daring suggestion to the A-Z. I'll be sure to credit you next to your contribution.
Application - dare to apply your new learning. Use is, try it, play with it. Do something positive with it.
Assertive - dare to assert your position, your opinion, your perspective and point of view
Appreciate - dare to appreciate the good things in life
Action - dare to take positive action
Agile - dare to have agility in your approach
Brave - dare to be brave, take a leap, give it a go. If you can live with the consequences then go for it!
Belief - dare to believe in yourself, dare to believe that you can
Beliefs - dare to challenge your beliefs, be daring to be open to changing them
Bold - dare to be bold, to try new things, to innovate and create
Behave - dare to try new behaviour
Begin - dare to begin with the end in mind
Build - dare to build your future
Challenge - dare to challenge things, to ask why
Choose - dare to make your own choices in life
Create - dare to imagine, dare to try
Courage - dare have the courage
Confidence - dare to develop your confidence
Collaboration - dare to think who else can help
Different - dare to be different, dare to try something different
Difference - dare to see difference as strength
Dream - dare to dream, dare to imagine
Everyone - dare to listen, dare to involve others
Empathy - dare to allow yourself in
Enthuse - dare to get be enthusiastic, dare to show your excitement
Flexibility - dare to be flexible to trying new things, to flex your styles
Faith - dare to have faith in yourself and your choices
Friends - dare to contact old friends, to rekindle flames once extinguished
Feelings - dare to express your feelings
Go for it - dare to go for it
Giving - dare to be a giver, to be generous
Goals - dare to set goals and objectives
Grow - dare to grow
Happiness - dare to allow yourself to be happy
Identity - dare to understand your sense of who you are
Intelligence - dare to explore new aspects of your intelligence
Indicators - awareness of the feedback
Innovative - dare to innovate, to try and fail and to try again, to do something new
Imagine - dare to imagine something different
Influence - dare to influence the way others feel about you
Ideals - dare to have ideals
Junk - be daring to lose the junk in your life
Kinship - dare to find likeminded people
Kind - dare to find kindness when others cannot
Live - dare to have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others hoped and expected of you.
Love - dare to love on another, dare to see love as something that you do and earn
Laugh - dare to laugh
Manage emotions - dare to find new strategies to manage your emotions
Multiple intelligence - dare to explore new ways in which you are intelligent
Motivation - dare to find your intrinsic motivations
Mind-set - dare to choose your mind-set, to think differently, to see the world differently, to perceive differently
Metrics - dare to measure your results
Network - dare to expand your network, to work with others
Opportunity - dare to realise opportunities, grasp them
Passion - dare to be passionate, dare to show your passion
Principles - dare to be true to your principles, dare to be principled at work and out
Proactive - dare to choose proactivity
Prioritise - dare to put the first things first
Purpose - dare to seek new purpose
Quit - dare to quit. Better to fail fast, learn from it and move on
Realise your potential - dare to realise your potential. So many of us have dreams but fail to go for it.
Risks - dare to try and to fail, dare to learn from failure, dare to accept that risk is an essential part of growing
Recognition - dare to recognise things that are done well
Results - dare to be results focused
Re-evaluate - dare to reevaluate strategies that are not working effectively
Self-awareness - dare to develop your self-awareness
Sacrifice - dare to sacrifice the old to make way for the new
Synergise - dare to work with others to find new and exciting solutions and opportunities
Support - dare to be supportive of others
Stability - dare to choose to stability over change for changes sake
SMART - dare to be SMART with your goals (specific, motivating, attainable, relevant and time-bound)
Talk - dare to share
Thank - dare to thank people
Think - dare to choose to think differently
Transparent - dare to allow others to see the real you
Timeout - dare to take timeouts, take a step back and review the situation
Use our emotions - dare to choose different emotions for different tasks
Understand - dare to seek first to understand then to be understood
Unique - dare to be unique, one of a kind
Values - dare to be true to your values, dare to challenge your values, dare to re-prioritise your values
Vision - dare to seek out and work towards your vision
Why - dare to start with why
Work - dare to work less, to spend more time with your friends and family, to do the things you love
Win/win - dare to seek win/win solutions
X (ok I am cheating here big time)
X-plore - dare to explore the new
X-pand - dare to have an open mind and expand your horizons
You - dare to choose the best version of you, not the lesser versions
Zealous - dare to go for it

Dare to work with Dare Learning...
...dare to develop yourself today
Dare to go for it!