The Dare Learning
About Alisdair

I have spent 2 decades developing people skills offerings in large national and global organisations.
Chartered Fellow at CIPD​ (FCIPD)
Certified business coach (TAP; NLP)
Certified business trainer (TAP; NLP)
Mental Health First Aid Instructor Member (Mental Health First Aid England)
Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence (MSCEIT Emotional Intelligence Test)
Master Practitioner in Business NLP (INLPTA)
Practitioner in Myers-Briggs Personality Type Profiling (MBTI Step I and Step II)
Practitioner in Everything DiSC Behaviour Profiling
Practitioner in DISC Flow Workplace Behavioural Reporting
Practitioner in the TKI Conflict Mode Instrument
Practitioner in the Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
Certified in Supporting Work Based Learning - University of Derby Business
Batchelor of Science - BSc in Social Science from Canterbury Christ Church University

"Developing people in businesses of all sizes through bringing big business learning offerings to smaller organisations, solo-players and individuals"
"To live in a world where solopreneurs and small businesses benefit from the most contemporary and powerful learning and development offerings available"
Brand Proposition
Dare to imagine : Dare to try
Dare to take risks : Dare to go for it
Dare to succeed : Dare to win
The Dare Learning philosophy is to be daring. Daring to be more, daring to try new things, daring to take risks and daring to learn. Daring to have an open mind, daring to understand ourselves and daring to believe that we can be better. Daring to look into our own selves and daring to challenge our own values and beliefs.
Learning is about being daring...daring to dream, daring to imagine and daring to try.
Dare Learning dares you to change, to grow, to challenge yourself and to develop.
Developing People : Developing Business
Dare Learning is a people and business focused organisation. I believe that organisations successes and failures depend on it's people - on their skills, confidence, motivation and engagement.
Dare Learning aims to develop business results through developing the people - building on their skills, supporting their confidence and being more effective, and through this increasing their workplace motivation and engagement with the organisation.
Value No 1: Transparency
To make my toolkit available for download, free of charge and with no obligation to leave contact details. To publish details on my courses and prices on my website so everyone is aware of what I am offering, when and where it is offered and how much it costs.
Value No 2: Informal
People learn best when they are relaxed and this increases the depth of the application of their learning. That is why all my public events are casual attire and informal in nature.
Value No 3: Contemporary
Too many learning offerings can be stuffy and traditional, teaching the way things have always been done. We will focus on delivering contemporary offerings which evolve the traditional offerings and ensure they are fit for purpose in the modern world.
Value No 4: Professional
All of my offerings have been tried, tested and are proven to deliver organisation results that make a difference. All of my offerings are focused on driving behavioural change and implementation. I will support all my clients with measuring: learning; behavioural change and organisational results.

The DARE Learning Mission
The purpose in creating Dare Learning was to take the contemporary offerings I have been delivering in the corporate world and make them available to solopreneurs and smaller/local orgasnisations at a cost which makes sense for them and deliver it in the local area.
As such Dare Learning brings the most contemporary and most powerful learning and development offerings available to corporates and offers them to everyone.
The UK has a huge skills shortage in terms of leadership, people skills and sales abilities and behaviours.
Smaller organisations have been let down by the system and I passionately believe in supporting them, working with them and developing them with the most cutting edge and meaningful people business solutions.
My Dream

My dream is to live in a country of people with great skills, in all organisations of all sizes - from solopreneurs; to small and local businesses; to larger organisations.
I believe everyone should have access to the best, most powerful and most contemporary learning and development offerings and everyone should be able to master their people and behavioural skills
I am passionate about bringing the very best sales offerings; leadership development; emotional intelligence; mental health; people skills and behavioural profiling offerings to everyone.